Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Unknown

Sorry I haven't blogged much lately. Things have been...crazy. Most everyone should know that I got my RIF letter. I have known for 2 months. It is the unknown that is so hard. I don't know if I will be rehired, and if I am there is no guarantee that I will be at my same school. I really don't want to leave so it is hard to know what to do. What if they want me to go somewhere else? Will I take that or seek out other careers outside of the teaching field? That is an option Jake and I talk about frequently. If I could find something making more money this might be an opportunity to take it. Yes I love teaching and No life is not all about money, but there are perks to both decisions. I also have applied to a charter school that is being built RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM OUR HOUSE! That would be pretty crazy. I could literally walk to and from work everyday. That is pretty appealing. So, right now there are a lot of unknowns and I feel pretty stressed about it all some days. I haven't been getting much sleep lately. We are very blessed that Jake has such a great job. For me it has now become a waiting game. And since I have you attention, PLEASE vote YES on Prop 100. You can't even begin to imagine how detrimental it will be for all the students if it doesn't pass. If it doesn't pass I don't want to be an educator anymore. Please help our state, our kids, and the entire education system by going out and voting on May 18th!

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