Monday, January 18, 2010

Not Resolutions

So, I don't really believe in New Year's Resolutions. I never follow through with them because there isn't anything to motivate me. I do have a few things that I have really been thinking about that I want to get better at. Here's my list:
  1. This is a big one. Take the dog on more walks! I feel so much guilt since we came back from Idaho. She was a different and much happier dog when we were there and she could just run free. She truly had the time of her life. Here, all she has is the empty house and a dirt backyard. There isn't nice places to take her for walks and I haven't been taking her much because Jake doesn't often want to go with me and I don't like to go alone. But, I want to change that. The poor dog needs to get out and have some fun and exercise. So, I want to try to take her for a walk at least 4 times a week and get to the dog park every now and then. It's pretty far and all she does is avoid other dogs and sniff, but at lease she gets out of the house. Whew. can you tell I have a lot of dog mom guilt!? * Hooray, last night Jake wanted to shoot some hoops so I took Chloe out and we played in the park for about 15 minutes*
  2. Try to clean at least one thing every night after work. Every weekend I feel like my house is a wreck and I have to do it all when all I really want to do is relax and spend time with Jake. Honestly, sometimes I do that anyway and then the house is still a wreck. So, I want to try to do little things throughout the week to make it easier. Dust the living room. Vacuum one room. etc. Those things wouldn't take long if I only did one thing a night. I am pretty tired when I get home from work but I really want to try to do this. I know it will really make me feel better through out the week. * Hooray again! I came home from work and before I even got on the computer I finished vacuuming the downstairs! It felt great*
  3. Spend more time crafting with my Cricut. I always always ALWAYS want to make cards, scrapbook, or do other crafts with my Cricut. It is an awesome machine and I love it. Every birthday or Christmas I ask for cartridges and I have quite a bit now. But, I never seem to actually sit down and do any of it. I am too tired after work, too busy with the husband on the weekends, the craft room looks like a bomb went off in it. etc, etc, etc. Well, I want to devote more time to this. It is something that I love to do and I need to spend more time doing it. It is my plan, once I get off the computer, to sit down and make some Valentine decorations. I did make a really cute Christmas sign for our kitchen wall that I was very proud of.
So, here hoping that I can accomplish some of these goals. I'll keep you posted. And if you read this, give me a friendly nudge every now and again to see how I'm doing. :)

1 comment:

Ali said...

I love the not resolutions! keep em' coming! :)