Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So, can I just complain a little? That's what a blog is for right? Just Kidding.
But I am going to do some complaining anyway.

Reason Number One why I don't like the rain:
So, it was rainy day schedule all day today. Kids early in my room in the morning and kids in the classroom for lunch and afternoon recess. No outside time for 6 and 7 year olds to run around and get out some craziness. I've got a rowdy bunch and every time we have rainy day schedule I feel like I can barely make it to the end of the day. They are riled up and I am pushed to the max. It doesn't make for a happy classroom. Bad news is it poured and the playground is still soaked so it will probably being rainy day schedule again tomorrow. I don't even have PE until Friday. At least if they had PE they would get some exercise. I can't really blame them. They have so much energy at this age and have no outlet to let it out when we can't go outside. It just stinks.

Reason Number Two why I don't like the rain:

Observe the pool we installed overnight! I wish. This is what I affectionately refer to as Mud River, or The Mud Bog, The Swamp, Pooch Torture etc. This is reason number two why I don't like rain. Having an all dirt backyard is horrible! This is what happens every time it rains and it will probably stay muddy for a week and a half, and that's only if it doesn't rain anymore! (plus side we are planning on doing the backyard SOON) Yeesh. It stinks with the dog and for the dog. In the past I have left her in only to come home to a muddy dog, couch, carpet, and floor. Stupid. I don't know why I did that. So, today I put her big dog bed outside with a pillow, food and water and shut the dog door. I know she hates it but there's not much else to do. When I came home she wasn't as muddy as I thought. Just her paws. But of course I had to bathe her before I could let her in. Problem: I couldn't open the door without her trying to rush in because she was so excited I was home and she could come inside. I tried to pick her up but she went crazy and of course got in. This is the *bad* part. After the long day I have already had I just lost it and screamed at her. Not authoritatively scolded but YELLED. It was completely stupid and pointless. She just got scared and I started crying that I took it all out on her. It isn't her fault I had a long day and that she was stuck out in the mud. So, now I feel so guilty and bad that I did that. She's just a sweet little animal and I scared her. She's my baby and I freaked out on her. I could cry just typing this all out. I hope I will have better self control when I am a mom to a human being. I don't know how moms who teach do it. Crazy respect to all of you who do that.
Thanks for reading. I needed to mind dump there. I'm going to go love on my dog now.
Chloe after her bath. Happy to be inside.

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